A bittersweet romance short story just published

Rated R -- for Readers
........................ A Family At Last

Raised together in a group home for orphaned and abandoned children,
Vandi and Nicole's love was inevitable. But their marriage was a casualty
of progressivism -- shattered before it began. Nobody could know their
love was strong enough to last through time, deceit and separation.

An electronic short-short story for the Amazon Kindle. Also available at Smashwords in a variety of electronic formats. Flash fiction of only 1,600 words, you can read it in minutes.

Here are the Product Details for A Family At Last:

Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 17 KB
Price: $0.99
Publisher: Brasstown Books (May 4, 2011)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
Lending: Enabled