Interesting inconsistency

 I've read a couple of reviews of Fifty Shades of Gray. I'm not planning to read the book -- I don't write or read porno or erotica -- but reviews can sometimes be instructive.

Wikipedia's entry has this: "The New Zealand Herald stated ... if you "can suspend your disbelief and your desire to – if you'll pardon the expression – slap the heroine for having so little self respect, you might enjoy it." A reviewer at Good Reads makes a similar observation..."Ana is just a giant mess of a human being. She's insecure to the point of it being laughable..."

So a woman who has little self-respect, or at least who is insecure, particularly about men -- why is that off-limits in romance fiction, but "damaged heroes" are all the rage?

Shelby and the Other-Brothers ....

Ainsley, age 4, (to John Mark):  "You're not my brother!
I don't have to mind you!"

Shelby, age 9: "Yes, you do, same as me.  Mind Randy,
too.  From now on, they're your other brothers." 

This is a scaled-down version of the cover flat recently uploaded for publication.  This file and the interior file meet publication specification.  All that remains is to order a proof copy and then ... 3, 2, 1 launch! 

Cover blurb:

Shelby, Randy, and John Mark have been best friends since grade school.  Growing up in a small town in south Georgia, they've petted and spoiled Shelby's little sister, Ainsley, hunted and fished, played football, studied, worked and worshipped -- together. The sons of close-knit families, they have been raised to be responsible, to revere God, and to love.

But as seniors in high school, they are accused of unspeakable crimes.  Branded criminals in headlines from coast to coast, persecuted by the justice system, abandoned by their community, their lives shattered and
their futures jeopardized, they have no one to turn but their families, their faith and each other.

Sweet Southern Boys -- a tale of misandry run amok.